Day 111 of A Year of Deep Listening

Day 111 of A Year of Deep Listening


A SONG For Nebulas, by Brian Voce

Inspired by Cosmic Background Radiation from the dawn of time this score is for one or more players and may be read and interpreted either vertically or horizontally. Cosmic Background Radiation is faint radiation from the Big Bang fills all space in the universe. Invisible, silent, ever-present..

Born in 1958, I’m an artist and lecturer at the University of Lincoln interested in the intersection of sound and visual artworks. I’ve led workshops with student creatives and musicians exploring visual and audio ‘sonicsoundspaces’ translating the visual into sound and back again as ongoing cycles of creativity. Exploring and discovering new music is a private passion, (I have an extensive collection of musical genres). The theme of my own creative visual work is the relationship between structured and chaotic systems where chance and accident determine the outcome.